Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back from summer fun!

Well for some people summer is just beginning but pretty much for me the summer fun has already happened. I went to Malibu Club for what turned out to be 3 weeks instead of 4. I got to catch up with a friend I hadn't seen in 8 or so years while I was home. And I got to hang out with my awesome family and go to the "shore" with them.
So I will start here with Malibu. It was a long treck to get there but so worth it. I flew home to PA on May 29th and got to my house about 5:00 PM. Just enough time to eat a home cooked meal, got to a nephew's basketball game, and repack for my 1 suitcase trip across the states. Who are they kidding? Who only needs one suitcase for a month?!! But I am getting better and better at packing so I did it. So Friday morning I flew from PHL to houston and had a layover. Then flew from Housont to Seattle. There some new friends- Keith and Jenny Dow picked me up so I could spend the night at their house. That is where I found out that my assignment was only 3 weeks. Which is kind of funny cuz I was the only one on the team who didn't know and I was the only one it really mattered for(cuz I was the only one who flew). But that ended up working out just fine!
So saturday we drove the last leg fo the trip- which included crossing the canadian border, a car ferry and a water taxi-pretty fun! We arrived at camp in the afternoon. It was gorgeous!!
So the next three weeks were spent being a head leader there at Malibu Club. The people rocked, my team was amazing and camp was jsut all around the bomb!!!(I know- I am throwing back there with the "bomb") Here are a few pics of the peeps.
This is me and moy awesome roomie for the time there-Dana
This is the whole assignment team for the month- I really fell in love with these people and they are now part of my family- which means they better come visit!!
This is the head leader team- Marshall, Keith, Dana and I. This is who I worked directly with every day. We got to do fun things like break up purple, shine bright lights in peoples eyes, sit in the info booth, talk on radios!! the radios were some of the best:) Everyone wanted to be on the Head leader station- we had some pretty fun times!
So now that I have been to a YL camp for an official assignment- the answer is YES!!- yes, in the near future I would LOVE to work full time at one. It was an amazing experience with an incredible group of people.
AHH yes and then there is the after camp adventures- I will save those for another blog but I will say that my A-Team was generous enough to pay to change my plane ticket and send me home for that final week where I thought I had to be at camp but didn't really. They rock I tell ya!

1 comment:

amybeth said...

an update! finally!!