This package was from Wanda-now whenever I describe Wanda's gift giving skills I usually talk in terms like, "She is the BEST gift giver ever," or "Wanda picked out the gift because she is the most creative!" so I knew there was going to be something GREAT in the package. I brought it into my apartment and dumped out the contents. Remember-I had decided that if it was wrapped I wouldn't open it but I also know my family and they tend to cram stuff that is not wrapped into packages:)!!! there were some reece's pieces-yum and candy corn-yeah! even a little plastic cockroach-thanks wanda:) but there was one thing especially eye-catching. Inside of a plastic bag there was a chick-fil-a paper bag. You know the kind your amazing chick- fil-a waffle fries and classic sandwich with extra pickles comes in!? I smiled- knowing my family is well aware of my love for chick-fil-a and knowing that they share it. BUT and here's the interesting part- there was something INSIDE the bag. I had a moment of concern-had Wanda really tried to send a chick-fil-a sandwich in the mail???!!- I would love her for it even if I wouldn't eat it so I opened up the bag with some trepidation and when i looked inside I burst out laughing!! There were probably 10 packets of Heinz Ketchup:) Now if you know me as an adult you may not be aware of this BUT my FIRST LOVE was Heinz Ketchup. As a kid I put it on EVERYTHING-and by everything I mean things like but not limited to: steak, lima beans, green beans, potatoes, mashed potatoes, chicken, bread-and pretty much everything else that made it on my plate. And the best part was-after pretty much every meal I had ketchup on my clothes somewhere! My love of ketchup continues to this day but has been partially replaced by my love of salsa AND I am also much better at keeping it off of my clothes! But Wanda remembers the good ole days and for that I say, "Hats off to you wanda, you truly are the BEST gift giver EVER!!"
Here is the bag and one of the packets of ketchup-the rest are getting put away for a rainy day:)

1 comment:
you can dip AND you can squeeze.
now that's clever :)
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