I hadn't been out there since all the staff left. Somehow those types of things get pushed aside when you are the only one here. So today was a gorgeous day and I was trying to think of something I could do outside and the Abbey came to mind. So I called my friend Emi up and asked her if she was free(she graduated last Friday and is pretty free til she starts college in Sept). She said sure so I picked her up and off we went.
Now remember-I had not been there for over a year and even then I wasn't usually the one driving so sure enough I got us a little lost- but as they say-getting there is half the fun! This is what we found on our back way adventure! I so wish I had an artistic bone in my body because I would LOVE to paint the colors in these pics!
Does it not totally look like I photo shopped this? There is no editing to this pic-the day was that perfect!
There were NO cars around so we just pulled over on the cobblestone road!
We ended up getting to the Abbey a little while later and explored the grounds. While we were exploring we ended up going up a bunch of stairs and then walking around for a bit. Instead of going back down the stairs I decided we needed a little more adventure. So in our flip-flops:) we went down this kind of steep hill and climbed over some fallen trees and found our way to the bottom. I don't think Emi knew what an outdoors girl she was until today:)

Here's a picture of the abbey from the hill.
and a pic of the inside of the abbey-you can see how huge it is-that's Emi is at the bottom right.

After we walked around we sat on a bench in the shade and chatted for a bit. It really was a great day!
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