I was doing childcare while the region had their meetings. At night we got to hang out with friends and play games like nerts and I even learned some crazy game called the settlers of catane or something. We did have one free day while we were there and so most of us went to the ski slopes- not to skit but to sled down a 14km run! it was awesome. We took the ski lift to the top of the mountain and here's the view!
Then we got on our sleds and tried to get down without killing ourselves. We had a bit of a rough start- several accidents amongst the group-including skiiers being taken out, sleds running off without sledders, and sleds running into innocent Austrian children! But after we got the hang of it we had a blast. it took about an hour to get down the run! It is so fun a bunch of us went back up and did it again after lunch. Here are Ashley and I at the top. Ashley lost her sled the 1st time and had to ride on my sled for a bit- that's when we ran into the poor Austrian/German child who apparently proceeded to curse us out in German-go us:)
all in all a fun trip. Now i am back and settling into Brussels for a another semester at warp speed.
I love Settlers of Catan! We'll have to play it next time you visit. You cracked me up with your sledding tale! Sounds like a lot of fun!
That sounds like soooo much fun!!! What amazing pics- beautiful!!
Seriously - an hour to get down?? Mack would be LOVING life - - so so fun - wish I could just whisk away to Austria right now
Hi, I found your blog post through a search for “Nerts”. It is cool to see others that know about the game. I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to let you know about playnertz.com, the site for the National Nertz Association. There is a bunch of interesting Nertz information there and you can also find out how to play Nertz online there. I hope you will check it out. Feel free to join and also let your friends and family know. Thanks
wow!!!! you have such a boring life- just kidding!!! how fun! wish i could have been there- it looks beautiful. wish you had some pictures of sledding down- but it sounds like all you could do was try to avoid people. makes me wish for some snow!
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