since taking this picture but you get the idea.
Here's my kitchen- again I have gotten a few more pices of furntire in here(so the micorwave is no longer on the floor-yippee) but you get the idea! Yes- those of you who sent me christmas pictures you have made the refridgerator and those that didn't- there is still time so send em in!
These are some pictures of the fun I have been up to lately. Last month at church I met some great girls from England and the next weekend they invited me and Liesl over to celebrate "fat tuesday" on Sunday. Here are Joanna and Fiona in their kitchen cooking us up some pancakes!! the next picture is from a day trip Liesl, Janet and I took to Amsterdam. We went for a few hours, got to see Ann Frank's house and ate some lunch. It is a beautiful city!
This past weekend the middle school basketball team I help coach went to Bonn, Germany to play against a school there. Here we are hanging out, waiting for our game to start. We won all the games that weekend so it was a lot of fun.

Monday's are our day off here in Brussels. Up to this point I have mostly slept and hung out around home on those days- trying to get things organized. This week I decided to go explore the city a little more. Liesl and I headed across town to the Atomium which was built in 1958 for the world's fair. It's a pretty cool "building" to look at. We did not go in it because I figured mom and dad might want to do that when they come and I wanted to save a little fun for them! But i took some cool pictures. You can go into each one of the "balls" and walk from one to the next-pretty cool! sorry the picture is on it's side but again- you get the idea!

Hope that gives you a small glimpse into the past month. This week is a bit crazy with service projects, club and leadership. It seems that time is at a full out sprint and I am trying to keep up. The days are getting longer which is wonderful and people are starting to come out of hybernation. I can not wait to see what this place looks like in the spring!
Monday's are our day off here in Brussels. Up to this point I have mostly slept and hung out around home on those days- trying to get things organized. This week I decided to go explore the city a little more. Liesl and I headed across town to the Atomium which was built in 1958 for the world's fair. It's a pretty cool "building" to look at. We did not go in it because I figured mom and dad might want to do that when they come and I wanted to save a little fun for them! But i took some cool pictures. You can go into each one of the "balls" and walk from one to the next-pretty cool! sorry the picture is on it's side but again- you get the idea!
Hope that gives you a small glimpse into the past month. This week is a bit crazy with service projects, club and leadership. It seems that time is at a full out sprint and I am trying to keep up. The days are getting longer which is wonderful and people are starting to come out of hybernation. I can not wait to see what this place looks like in the spring!